PT. Maju Jaya Medika is a company that operates in the field of medical equipment distribution in Indonesia. The company focuses on distributing high-quality and reliable medical equipment, including ultrasound equipment (Ultrasonography) produced by Konica Minolta. Tonometry, Fundus, Also Perimetry (Ophthalmic imaging devices help doctors diagnose and monitor eye disorders) produced by iCare. As a medical equipment distributor, PT. Maju Jaya Medika is responsible for providing high-quality and reliable medical equipment to customers throughout Indonesia. In addition, the company also has technicians spread throughout Indonesia to provide after-sales service to customers who need technical assistance.

In this regard, the presence of technicians spread throughout Indonesia allows PT. Maju Jaya Medika to provide faster and more effective services to customers, including equipment repair and maintenance. This makes PT. Maju Jaya Medika one of the leading medical equipment distributors in Indonesia.